Day 2
8:30-10: Morning session
Lecture: Confocal microscopy (chalk)
10A Break
Presentation: Intro to Confocal microscopy
Lunch: 11:30-1P
1-1:30: Finish Intro presentation
2-5: Lab: confocal hardware, beginning confocal imaging, detectors, pinhole, 1, 2, and 3-channel scanning. multiple laser excitation, MultiTracking
Day 3
Presentation: Confocal Considerations
10:15-11:00 Presentation: Lambda Scanning, Linear Unmixing, FRAP
11:30-1PM: Lunch
1-4: Lab: FRAP, FRET, Lambda Scans, Linear unmixing
4-5: Presentation: Golub Talk
Day 4
8:30 - 9:30: Presentation: Digital Imaging
11A: Q&A session
October 28–Nov 1, 2007