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Digital Imaging for Biologists

Steven Ruzin, Ph.D.
381 Koshland Hall

Course Content. This is an introductory course in the use of computers to acquire, process, analyze, and present digital images for scientific use. The course consists of lectures only; there is no organized computer lab. Most of the course content will be demonstrations in the use of common computer programs, their use in manipulating digital images, and in their integration into figures for publication.

Instructor. Steven Ruzin, Ph.D., Biological Imaging Facility. Office hours are Tuesday 2-4 PM in 381 Koshland Hall.

Textbook and Handouts. The course manual, Digital Imaging for Biologists, is available for $15. No additional handout material will be available. There are several texts that can be helpful, but that are not required.Gonzales, R.C. and R.E. Woods, Digital Image Processing. 1992, Reading: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.Russ, J.C., The Image Processing Handbook. 2nd ed. 1994, Boca Raton: CRC Press.Williams, R., The Mac is not a Typewriter: A Style Manual for Creating Professional-Level Type on Your Macintosh. 1990. Peachpit Press.

Attendance: All students, including postdocs, must be registered. Class starts promptly at 11:10AM in 338 Koshland Hall.

Grading. The course grade is P/N. A passing grade will be assigned only after the successful completion of four assignments. A letter grade may be assigned, but only by prior arrangement with the instructor and with completion of one additional assignment. Each student must complete their own assignment. That is, there will be no joint work efforts. Assignments are due by 11 AM one week after the assigned date.

All assignments are posted on the course web site.

There are no examinations for this course.

Web Site:


Class Schedule

Digital Cameras
Digital images; Pixels
Image resolution, sampling
LUT, Histogram operations, filtering
Segmentation and the ROI
Extracting information from images, spatial calibration, morphometrics and densitometry
Photoshop I: Simple operations
Photoshop II: Paths and Masking
Paths and Masking continued
Photoshop III: Additional tools and Printing
Introduction to Color and Color Management
Making a scientific figure
Intro to vector graphics programs: ACD Canvas
ADC Canvas continued
Vector Graphics Programs II: Illustrator
Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop: Considerations for color printing
(Assignment 3)
Digital Presentations: MS PowerPoint & Apple Keynote
File formats (TIFF, PICT, BMP)
PDF: The universal file format
Word Processing Primer
Integrating word processing and graphics; Creating PDF files, (Assignment 4)
Review: Illustrator & Photoshop for posters
Review: Word processing for large documents
Website construction and maintenance using GoLive
Website maintenance (continued)
Website maintenance. Using sites for file transfer
Advanced 3D image processing (Bitplane Imaris)
