Zeiss AxioImager M1 and M2 fluorescence microscopes, Hamamatsu Orca 03 and QIClick digital CCD cameras allows visualization of fluorescence at high spatial resolution (1200X1300 pixels) and high bit depth (12-bit gray scale). An additional camera, QImaging 5MPix MicroPublisher, captures color images. Fluorescence excitation is provided by the CoolLED pE-300White LED illuminator.

These microscopes are very good for fluorescence imaging of fluorescence probed samples or prepared slides.

Available filter sets:

CFP Ex 436/20 Em 480/40
Cy5 Ex 620/60 Em 700/75
DAPI BP Ex 350/50 Em 460/50
DAPI LP Ex 350/50 Em LP425
FITC Ex 470/40 Em LP515
GFP Ex 470/40 Em 525/50
Rhodamine Ex 540/25 Em 605/55
Texas Red Ex 560/40 Em 630/75
YFP Ex 500/20 Em 535/50